Still, I will keep this short and sweet - I just wanted to share this interesting sight - this is a photo of a highway of sorts near my apartment.
Yes, it is goes straight through a building. The building houses government offices, a library and a carpark. Now was this a result of building the building after the road was there, or did the building come first? It's all very chicken and egg to me.
Gotta love Asia.
Yay, Suboo posted!
I would say it's similar to the way Kings Way goes through the cashino - the road was there first!
Yay! No malware message!!
Prince2.. errr.. yeah I closed it immediately.
Who knows what even happened with that Malware message... which reminds me sorry I owe you an email reply!
Yes I did think of Kingsway... but perhaps being in Asia makes me feel like this was more an mistake in planning rather than actually being planned. Biased I know.
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