Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Girly Style Wardrobe: Pattern C

Princess S is getting a new dress posted to her tomorrow - a belated birthday present made using a pattern from Girly Style Wardrobe (ISBN 978-4-579-11132-9), a Japanese pattern book for girl's clothing that I purchased recently.

This was my first attempt at using a pattern from one of these books, and it was only after I started putting the pieces of the dress together did I realise that something was amiss. Some of the pieces didn't seem to fit together too well - so I was left wondering what I had done wrong. The pieces were from the correct pattern. The fabric was cut accurately. Why was there a huge lot of fabric left over-hanging on the back neck section??

I dealt with it with the usual *shrug*, lopped off the extra fabric and went about on my merry way. The result is as per below, which isn't too bad considering I realised later that I hadn't added any seam allowances to my pattern pieces! I thought they were all included in the patterns but further research showed me that that was not the case. Duly noted for next time.

I just hope it fits!

Thursday, 10 September 2009

Random exchange with the Pale Professor.

*EDIT: Just to put this into context, this was the first conversation I had today with the Pale Professor (PP), with no prior discussion or greetings for the day. A true sign of how well we know one another. Or not.*

10:59 me: cagey
11:03 PP: reticent
me: evasive
11:04 PP: shrewd
me: crafty
11:05 PP: mysterious
me: annoying
PP: withheld
me: eccentric
PP: unique
11:06 me: odd
PP: even
me: plateau
PP: horizon
me: sunset
11:07 PP: dusk
me: george clooney's fire tattoos
11:08 PP: soderbergh
me: erin
11:23 PP: Vivian Ward
11:24 me: jason alexander
11:29 PP: michael richards
me: newman
PP: Jurassic Park
11:30 me: raptor
11:32 PP: toronto
11:36 me: maple leaf
11:39 PP: syrup
11:40 me: paaaancaaaakes
PP: pineapple (cambodian breakfast = pancake+pineapple)
11:41 me: hawaiian chicken burgers from the high school tuck shop (hawaiian = chicken schnitzel + pineapple)
PP: secondary
me: primary
11:43 PP: uniform
me: mandatory
11:44 PP: totalitarian
11:45 me: hitler
PP: genius
me: evil
PP: disney
11:46 me: hi-ho
11:47 PP: fantasy
me: mariah on fi-ah
11:48 PP: boobs
11:49 me: lols
PP: emoticon
me: smiley
11:50 PP: 80s
11:51 me: peace
PP: hypercolour
me: moodrings
11:52 PP: youth
me: age
11:53 PP: newspaper
me: dirty hands
11:54 PP: germaphobia
me: H1 N1
11:56 PP: mask
me: cough
11:57 PP: hint
me: subtle
11:58 PP: cagey
me: haahahahha
PP: geometry
me: tangent
11:59 PP: pythagoras
12:00 me: SOHCAHTOA
(i think i spelt that wrong)
PP: cosine
12:01 PP: quadratic
me: equation
12:02 PP: encryption
me: dan brown
PP: langdon
12:03 me: amelie
12:04 PP: overrated
me: unwatched
12:05 PP: torrent
12:06 me: pirates
PP: somalia
me: food
12:07 PP: overfishing
12:08 me: nets
PP: stockings
12:09 me: stairway to heaven
12:10 PP: (the) Game
me: earwax
PP: euphoria
12:12 me: milk bottle cap
PP: measure
me: cup
12:13 PP: boobs
me: ratio
PP: wisdom
me: teeth
12:14 PP: chlorhexydine
12:18 me: bad breath
PP: colleagues
12:19 me: space issues
12:22 PP: alcoholics
12:23 me: hip flask
PP: asian (night)
me: predictable
12:24 PP: danny
me: obvious
12:25 PP: photo
me: facebook
PP: koala
12:26 me: confused
PP: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/digital-life-news/koala-on-the-menu-book-claims-facebook-founder-has-strange-tastes-20090709-de0z.html
12:28 me: sense
PP: (bruce) Willis
12:29 me: potato head (rumer willis)
PP: buzz (lightyear)
me: tom hanks
12:30 PP: dan brown
me: new book
PP: symbol
12:31 me: lost
PP: < game break >